Ready to explore the frontiers of knowledge?

Happy Hispanic gen Z student girl with headphones visiting public library for work on study research project, holding learning papers, notebook, looking at camera, smiling.

Why a PhD?

If you are interested in doing a PhD and want to give yourself the opportunity to experience high-quality teaching and research, we welcome the best people – from all backgrounds, domestically and internationally – to do so in Ireland.

Irish research programmes maximise the employability of doctoral graduates across a broad range of employment sectors by ensuring that the acquisition of discipline-specific knowledge is complemented by the development of transferable skills. Institutions in Ireland have also embraced an increasing diversity of academic and professional routes to doctoral attainment including collaborative and inter-sectoral approaches, as well as provision for student mobility. is an initiative of the National Framework for Doctoral Education (NFDE) Advisory Forum, which is co-chaired by the Higher Education Authority (HEA) and Quality and Qualifications Ireland. Click on this link to learn more about the NFDE Advisory Forum